AECs abroad
News and Photos

AECs in North and South America
This page has pictures of AEC buses running outside the UK that have been sent to me by some of our readers.
If you would like to contribute photographs or news of AEC buses in service in North or South America please email the author at 
Arizona, USA Here's one that is looking a bit the worse for wear though. This is RT3145 pictured at the site of a former restaurant on Ajo Way west of Tucson at Three Points in November 2010. The restaurant has been abandoned and it looks the RT too has been left to the same fate. The coat of red paint has been applied since 2006, but it's in pretty poor shape, doesn't appear to have any windows left and the engine is missing several parts. Seats are still inside but the floors are rotten, and radiator is obviously missing too. Let's hope someone rescues it soon. Thanks to Mike Abbott for sending the picture and Mike Pannell for first identifying the vehicle in 2006. |
California Regent RTs
California, USA Four former London Transport AEC Regent III RT's were operated by Unitrans, who run a network of routes serving the University of California in Davis, California. Former RT742 (JXC 105), RT3123 and RT4735 were fitted with Cummins diesels modified to run on LPG. RT2819 (LYR 989) was famously modified to run on compressed natural gas (CNG) during a total refurbishment 2007. This unique RT was still being used in service in 2022. Thanks to Caroline Deacon of Unitrans for updating information previously provided by Nigel Neville, and to Peter Deacon for drawing attention to the Unitrans entry in Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unitrans - and to Michael Dryhurst who has driven RT2819 himself. Further information can be found at https://localwiki.org/davis/Unitrans_Buses, although this and the Wikipedia article are now out of date. |
California open-top RM
California, USA Big Red Bus (www.bigredbus.com) run an open-top Routemaster in Long Beach, California. They have recently acquired an older (1961) closed top model, although it is missing the hood and front left fender. If someone knows of a source of replacements please contact m.otoole@verizon.net |
California, USA Jerry Zuckermann sent this picture of his Routemaster RM447, parked in his driveway in Los Angeles. He purchased it in February 2007 and drove it to LA in March 2007. It’s in very good running order, and he's been catching up on its regular maintenance and taking it out on regular runs to keep it exercised. |
California, USA John Byrne sent this picture of SF Deluxe Tours open-top Routemaster RML2279 at work on the San Francisco tour in September 2010. |

3746 RH |
Florida, USA Former East Yorkshire AEC Bridgemaster 3746 RH is being restored by Mike Sterling in fort Lauderdale. You can follow the restoration at the website: http://aecbridgemaster.tk |
Open-top RML
Illinois, USA Open-top RML2585, which was sold (along with RML2439) to Charles Riverboat Co in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 2004, has turned up in the small village of Rondout, Illinois in November 2011. It is now painted yellow. http://beling.net/articles/about/Rondout,_Illinois |
Texan Regent
Texas, USA The Rev Dan Hendricks and his wife Lori in Austin, Texas are restoring (in 2005) their 1948 A.E.C. Regent MkIII double deck bus and are in need of engine parts and transmission parts. The engine is the original 9.6 liter A.E.C. Southall coupled to the original A.E.C. Select shift 4 speed transmission. A full engine rebuild is in progress, and anything that can help get this old bus on the road would be appreciated. When restored it will be used for the ministry to help feed the homeless in the central Texas area. Contact dan7064@yahoo.com
Routemaster RM2010
Utah, USA RM2010 is based in Utah and is in original condition and running. It was for sale in 2012. |

USA Regent
Washington, USA Old AECs never die, they just end up as... coffee bars! Well former Morecambe and Heysham AEC Regent JTE 549 has been for at least 10 years since 2000, and was still serving coffees in August 2010. It is seen here dispensing refreshments in the Fairhaven district of Bellingham in the United States - just over the border from Vancouver B.C. Another member of this batch was sold in 2011 to an owner by the Black Sea. Photo by Bob Wingrove. Thanks to Michael Parry for the update. |
USA Randy Nix, General Manager, GCT-Gulf Coast TELECO, has former RT2539 for restoration. Randy would appreciate any information on the history of this bus at randy@gctinc.com. Photo by Randy Nix. |
Routemaster RML2650 |
USA Joe Philips writes: Thought you might like to know about my bus that has just done over 15k miles across the USA in 2013. It is staying there and doing much more travelling in the near future. There is a facebook page that I am slowly updating all the photos from the last year. Needless to say, we participated in some amazing events... Mardi Gras, SXSW and Burning Man to name just a few. www.facebook.com/doogle9. |

Argentina Regals
ARGENTINA Martin Donato sent pictures of the Twentyfive AEC Regal IV 9834 -E bodied by Verheul (Holland) which ran in Argentina in the early '60s. They were in service in Buenos Aires city - with no success - and then in Mar del Plata city.
Martin wishes to know technical characteristics of them. If you can help, contact Martín at donato_martin@hotmail.com
Tierra del Fuego Routemaster
ARGENTINA Former RM317 runs city tours of Ushuala in the Tierro del Fuego region. It is pictured in Buses 598 (January 2005). |
BRAZIL Jacy Dias sent a photo of a coach which he believes is an AEC (known in Brazil as ACLO). This particular coach was used by Viação Cometa in Brazil in the 1950's. Although not 100% certain about it, he firmly believes it is an AEC (ACLO) and would welcome confirmation of this fact. jacy@rochadias.fsnet.co.uk
AEC buses were exported to South America in 1940's and 1950's and known locally as ACLOs. If you know of any other photos please could you contact Jacy or AECBus. |
CANADA An Ottawa tour bus co. is still using some ex-LT Routemasters for guided city tours in the summer. Some retain original London destination blinds, at least up until last summer. Other co's are using re-painted Leyland Atlanteans and ECW Bristols(origins unknown). Last update March 2001. Thanks to Bob French for info. |
Nova Scotia
CANADA Atlantic Tours of Halifax, Nova Scotia purchased Routemaster Double Decker bus WLT 937 in 2000 for use in service. Thanks to Mark Fenn of Atlantic for info. |
Nova Scotia
CANADA Ambassatours Gray Line of Halifax, Nova Scotia has purchased Routemasters RML2314, 2322, 2507, 2578, 2673 (CUV 314/322C, JJD 507/578D, SMK 673F) in early 2006. RM1018 (PVS 828 ex 18 CLT), RML2336 and 2651(CUV 336C, NML 651E) were added in 2010. |
Vancouver Routemasters
CANADA Gray Line of Vancouver, BC operate two Routemasters on a tour of Vancouver using this BIG Pink branding. One is DJ 3874 (formerly RML2466 in its London days) and pictured here in August 2011 is DJ 3923 (an RM model for which the original identity eludes us at present). Thanks to Mike Foinette for the picture.
RML2466 was originally bought by West Coast Sightseeing of Burnaby, BC in January 2011, along with RML2564.
Niagara Falls Routemasters

CANADA Double Deck Tours of Niagara Falls, Canada have around 20 Routemasters in the fleet. Many of the fleet still have their original AEC engines. A heavy sightseeing tour of the Falls area with a route in excess of 30 miles long keeps these vehicles extremely busy all Summer. Those in use in February 2011 were:
1 RCL2255, 2 RCL2252, 4 RM2165, 5 RM583, 6 RM1909, 7 RM2206, 8 RM1242, 9 RM1888, 10 RM1618, 11 RM1548, 12 RM2174, 14 RM2162, 15 RMLxxxx,
16 RM1676, 17 RM797, 18 RM1604, 19 RM1102, 21 RM187, 22 RM1676,23 RM1221, 24 RMLxxxx.
RMLs 2467, 2501 and 2555 were acquired in November 2004, and would account for numbers 15 and 24.
Numbers 2, 4, 10 and at least two more were still active in September 2020.
Further photos can be found on Ray Soper's page at http://www.old-bus-photos.co.uk/wp-content/themes/Old-Bus-Photos/galleries/double_deck_toures/double_deck_tours.php
Updated April 2021. Thanks to Ray Soper for info and David Whitmarsh for the photos.
CANADA City Sightseeing Toronto run a number of open-top Routemasters on tours of Toronto and to the Niagara Falls. Two of them are 6347 - 685 9BF, ex RM2209 - CUV 209C (acquired from Double Deck Tours) and 6352 - BM9 373, ex RM1158 - 158 CLT. Updated July 2012. Thanks to David Whitmarsh for the photos and the update.
Coach Canada
CANADA Routemasters JJD 435D, JJD 481D, NMY 639E were converted to open-top and exported to Coach Canada in early 2006. |
British Columbia RT2929
CANADA Ex London Transport AEC Regent RT2929 is in use as a recreational vehicle in Port Campbell, British Columbia, and is still in good condition although the paint is a little faded. September 2007. Thanks to Alan Splendiff for info. |
Prince Edward Island
CANADA The 11 former London buses (including seven AEC Regents and two Routemasters) that operated sightseeing tours at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, were sold to the London Bus Company for further service in the UK and returned there in 2010. The picture shows RT714 in Charlottetown in 2006. Updated September 2010. Thanks to Joseph Choi for the picture. |
FALKLAND ISLANDS Former London Transport Routemaster RML2593 is now owned by the Falkland Islands Co Ltd, registered F124G, operating at Stanley for cruise ship tour work during the summer months. It operates a free shuttle from the landing pier to the Museum via various tourist points of interest and was pictured in January 2011. Updated January 2012. Thanks to Stephen Luxton of the F.I.C. for info, and to Ivor Warburton for the picture.
Uraguay Verhuels |
URUGUAY/MEXICO Can anyone give me details about the AEC-buses, that were built by Verheul (Holland) for export to Uruguay between about 1956 and 1964? Also I know from the "orderbook" of Verheul, that in 1953 or 1954 an AEC/Verheul was built as a demonstration vehicle; this bus went eventually to Mexico, I believe. Any details (and pictures) are welcome as I am still working on the full history of this once famous busbuilder in the Netherlands. jan.emmelkamp51@home.nl |
URUGUAY AEC Verhuels (ACLO mark IVs) were running in service in Montevideo with the COECT and UCOT companies in the mid-2000s. Nestor Brasesco (cincosietediesel@hotmail.com) sent this picture of number 36 on the Carrasco service in October 2004.
Some pictures of historic COECT buses including the ACLOs can be seen on the COECT website (http://www.coetc.com/ and click on the Hostoria section). Thanks to Luis Feijoó for this information.

URUGUAY CETCU, a group of enthusiasts in the history of buses in Uruguay, bought an ACLO (AEC for South America) REGAL II and restored it in the CUTCSA works. This bus was new to CUTCSA in 1938, with a wooden body made in Uruguay by Aguila, fleet number 491. It was renumbered 130 in 1954, and rebuilt with its wooden body in 1962 by CUTCSA, the biggest urban bus operator in Montevideo. It was replaced by a Leyland Worldmaster in 1971 and sold to an operator of country routes, close to Montevideo. In 1985 it was sold to a single bus operator in the northern rural area of Uruguay, working in a route of 90 km. most of them unpaved, from Santa Clara to Paso de Pereira, close to the river Negro, where it worked until 1994. The ACLO is painted in the old CUTCSA livery, light gray with a red band written with "CUTCSA 130" in shadowed white. The pictures were taken on April 5th 2000. On July 20th 1999 this bus and another one restored owned by CETCU, a Chevrolet 1935, were declared "national historical monument" by the Uruguayan government. CETCU also acquired another ACLO that is trying to restore. If you want contact CETCU: e-mail: mpienovi@adinet.com.uy.
Hugo Duque has provided some additional information in 2006. There is another one (left hand driven) and again with the livery of CUTCSA, internal # 1 which is fully rebuilt by ERHITRAN, dedicated to museum purposes. There are two more awaiting for their reconstruction, in a bus company site, recovered from their abandon in the middle of the country. All of them are ACLO's, as you know. The bodies were bult by Uruguayan body makers in the thirties and the forties (in the case of the left hand driven) I presume that all of them were used by CUTCSA. The other three coaches built in the late thirties are right hand driven, as traffic in Uruguay drove on the left until 2nd September 1945, when conditions imposed by American car manufacturers caused a change to the right. British influence in those days was very heavy. British Companies managed tramways since early last century. Railway services, waterworks, gas company, etc.